• Rejoice in Suffering … Really?!?

    The triumph of our faith is present and eternal, but sometimes our current reality is a nightmare. Yet even in the worst of times, we can rejoice in suffering because our justification in Christ guarantees a glorious eternal outcome. Nothing that happens on earth can change that! Not only that,…

  • Will We Be Different?

    I keep thinking that I wish life would go back to “normal” but what does “normal” look like? And is that what God wants? After all, He has allowed us to be shaken for a reason. We’ve been given a new perspective and our priorities have been realigned. Where we…

  • Revelation Wrap-Up … A Happy Ending!

    The events foretold in the book of Revelation are amazing. To think that when the Apostle John wrote this letter 2,000 years ago, much of what he described was not even fathomable to the readers of that day. But as the end of human history on this earth draws closer,…

  • God’s Seal and a Comforting Promise

    The first six seals have been opened revealing the beginning of God’s judgment on the earth, but before the seventh seal is opened there is a pause. John sees an angel holding the seal of God and proclaiming that it is time for God’s servants to be marked with His…

  • Christ in Christmas – God’s Salvation Gift

    The things that are happening in the world around us are incredibly sad. Murders at the hands of terrorists almost daily. Pandemics sickening many. Freedoms once taken for granted at risk in the name of social improvement. And yet rather than falling on our knees and crying out to our…