• Abundantly Blessed to Faithfully Give

    Every time I read the Exodus story and shake my head at the misguided choices of the Israelites in the wilderness, I am quickly reminded of how much my own story mirrors theirs. They had been rescued, redeemed, and abundantly blessed, yet no matter how much God showed Himself to…

  • Do You Still Trust Me?

    Though he falls he will not be overwhelmed because the Lord holds his hand. – Psalm 37:24 CSB Not in my lifetime have things seemed so uncertain. What does the future of the country look like? Will we or someone we love get sick? If we do, will we survive?…

  • God-sized rate of return

    Why do you suppose God commands us to give? It’s not as though he needs our money. He could certainly accomplish whatever he wanted without our financial support. And there will always be others to give generously and make up for the lack of giving from the rest of us.…