• Abundant Life: The Life You Were Created For

    Ever since the devil heard about God’s plan to redeem us and have a personal relationship with us, he has done all he could do to stop that from happening. The devil hates the idea that God created us in His image and that He loves us so much He…

  • Thanksgiving: A Way of Life

    Thanksgiving was not a new idea that originated with the Pilgrims. God’s people throughout history regularly gave thanks and acknowledged His gracious provisions. They praised Him even during times of famine, war, exile, and persecution because they had seen His faithfulness and they knew He would come through. “Give thanks…

  • Life-Changing Encounter

    John 4 As Jesus’ following grew, so did the opposition. The Pharisees didn’t like His message and a confrontation with them was brewing, but that didn’t stop Jesus’ mission. He continued to travel around meeting people and changing lives. On His way to Galilee, Jesus had to travel through Samaria.…

  • Escape the Wrath

    The further along we get on the timeline of human history, the further away from the One True God mankind moves. People are creating their own gods based on their lifestyle. Goodness and truth are relative. Evil and injustice abound. The world can’t go on like this forever. God is…