• Living while we wait… Waiting while we live

    We know that Jesus will return to earth someday.  The Bible assures us of this.  There are a lot of prophecies that speak about what his return will look like and how it will come about.  The study of eschatology is fascinating, and there are many who are educated in…

  • Access to the Almighty

    Some people go through life depending on karma, or luck, or their own power.  They either deny that there is a god, or worship a god that is distant and non-relational.  But when something really big happens, they suddenly see that all that they’ve been depending is useless – and…

  • Invited

    The Bible talks a lot about God’s “chosen ones”, and I’ve often wondered what that means.  This is a big theological topic, and I am in no way “theologically trained” – so I am not claiming to have the answer.  But when I wonder about things like this, I search…

  • Loving discipline

    I’ve often heard it said that God doesn’t “punish” people. But is that really true? And if it is – does that mean we shouldn’t expect consequences for our poor choices? As a parent – I know that I must step in and correct my children’s behavior when necessary to…

  • Resurrection Sunday

    Very early the next morning, as the sun was just beginning to peek over the Jerusalem horizon, the women set out to properly anoint Jesus’ body for burial. Having been the Sabbath, they were not able to do this when his body had first been laid in the tomb. And…