It is becoming more and more apparent that Christians are in a fierce battle against the tide of moral decay. And although it may feel like we are fighting against other people, the Bible makes it clear that our fight is not against flesh & blood. We are fighting against…
Choose Jesus
God is timeless. He has always existed. He has no beginning. He has no end. This is a difficult concept to understand in a world where everything we know has a beginning and an end. But it seems clear to me that in order for any living thing to exist,…
The Real Enemy
No need to look far to be able to come to the conclusion that Christians in America are under attack. The persecution that has always existed in other societies has made its way to our shores. To be a Bible believing Christian in America is looked upon with contempt by…
Enemy attacks
As followers of Christ, we have an enemy that is a formidable opponent. The things that a life lived with Christ offer us (love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, faithfulness, etc. – Galatians 5:22) are the very things the devil, our adversary, does not want us to have. When he sees…