• Finally Some Good News!

    If you’ve stuck with me up to this point, you’re probably ready to hear some Good News. I know I am! Paul has preached some hard truths so far. If you close the book of Romans too early, you’ll be overwhelmed by the dreadful bad news and miss the glorious…

  • The Uncomfortable Truth

    John 6:41-71 When Jesus spoke of Himself as the Bread of Life, it wasn’t a popular message. He boldly proclaimed that no one could come to God except through Him. He wasn’t worried about hurting people’s feelings or coming across as narrow-minded. He was only concerned with the fate of…

  • God won’t give up on you

    If anyone tries to deny how incredible the grace of God is, just point them to the book of Judges.  Over and over you see the Israelites turning away from God.  Over and over you read, “Again the Israelites did evil in the eyes of the Lord.” They just could…