• Is obtaining wealth your goal?

    The book of Ecclesiastes talks about two different approaches to wealth. One will either leave you with riches that can’t come with you when you die or a moment when you lose it all and have nothing to show for the years you spent making it. The other will leave…

  • God Provides

    How seriously do we take God’s promise to provide?  What are we expecting to receive through this provision?  How does he make it happen?  Does he expect anything from us in this process? Besides the promise of salvation through Jesus Christ – the only means by which salvation comes, God’s…

  • Abundant Life

    Jesus said he came so that we could have life. And “have it more abundantly”. (John 10:10) The dictionary defines abundant as “more than adequate…over sufficient…abounding…richly supplied”. If you are a child of God’s through the blood of his Son, you know exactly what this means. When you come to…

  • All I need

    I woke up this morning thinking about how Jesus is all I need. How when all is said and done, Jesus in my life is all that matters. Certainly I am blessed with all the things that matter in an earthly sense – health, family, provisions, etc – but ultimately,…