• We need the Word of God!

    The Christian life cannot be lived apart from the Word of God. Jesus knew and trusted the Word of God, and if we want to live as Christ-followers, we must do the same. As a young boy, Jesus sat among the teachers to hear the Word of God. (Luke 2:42-52) In…

  • Drowning in chaos

    Here I am again. Drowning in a cacophony of chaos! It amazes me how I allow this to happen. I’m moving along in life just fine. Remaining in prayer and in the Word of God. Dealing with life’s trials as they come. When suddenly it’s like there is an onslaught.…

  • Not “Name and Claim” But Trust and Believe

    You’ve heard of the preachers that preach a “name it and claim it” gospel. It is something I’ve always been weary of for a couple of reasons. One reason is that it comes across as though God is supposed to do what we want just because we tell him to.…