• Advent – Hope is on the Horizon

    On a day when hope seemed lost, Jesus Christ the Messiah was born!   The light shines in the darkness and the darkness can never extinguish it. – John 1:5 NLT I love Christmas lights! I love to drive through my neighborhood at night and see the festive glow of…

  • Immediate Assistance

    Have you ever felt like you were stuck in an endless cycle of temptation that you can’t overcome? You make yourself promises and do your best to keep them, but you keep losing the battle and finding yourself stuck in regret, making more promises until temptation rears its ugly head…

  • 5 Ways God Works on You While You Wait

    When we are going through a challenging experience, the wait can be the hardest part. It’s hard not to wonder where God is and why He is allowing it to happen. There are countless examples in the Bible of godly people who waited through challenging circumstances while God’s plan unfolded.…