Do you ever wonder if you matter? If you have value despite your flaws? If there is an eternal purpose for your life? The Apostle Paul was writing to the Christians in Rome to help them understand the transformation that happened when they were saved by God’s grace. They had…
How Do I Parent My Teenager?!?
(Originally published on Parenting is a lot scarier when our children are teenagers. Sure, each stage has its scary parts. When they are babies, we watch them sleep to make sure they’re still breathing. When they’re toddlers, we child-proof our home to keep them safe. When they’re old enough…
Faithful to the end
The second church that Jesus addressed in Revelation was the church in Smyrna. The Christians in Smyrna were surrounded by people that were antagonistic to the gospel and they faced constant persecution. Jesus knew the struggles they faced. He acknowledged that they suffered afflictions and lived in poverty. He understood…