• Will We Be Different?

    I keep thinking that I wish life would go back to “normal” but what does “normal” look like? And is that what God wants? After all, He has allowed us to be shaken for a reason. We’ve been given a new perspective and our priorities have been realigned. Where we…

  • Who is Jesus?

    John 7:10-30  After Jesus’ brothers had left for the Festival of Tabernacles, Jesus decided to make His way to Jerusalem in secret so that He would not attract attention. The Jewish leaders were watching for Him and there was a lot of buzz about Him in the city streets as…

  • Jesus – God’s Son on God’s Mission

    John 5:16-47 When word got out that Jesus was the one who had the nerve to heal the lame man on the Sabbath, the Jews were not happy. The Pharisees had turned the Sabbath into a day when you should not lift a finger, even to do good. So instead…

  • Do you want to get well?

    (John 5:1-15) News about this man from Galilee who was changing lives continued to spread. The things He said and did were attracting the attention of everyone. There was something different about Jesus and people saw it even if they didn’t understand it. After Jesus’ life-changing encounter with the woman…

  • You have a choice to make!

    John 3 Word of Jesus was beginning to get around, now. The miracle at the wedding in Galilee was a big deal and the people who saw it happen weren’t keeping quiet about it. The clearing of the temple marketplace had gotten the attention of a lot of people, too,…