• Believe God! Hope in His Promises!

    Sometimes during difficult times, we forget that God has promised to work all things out for our ultimate good and His glory. No matter how difficult things may be, believe God! He is still at work and His promises still stand. God’s covenant with Israel was established long before Moses…

  • God is always doing something!

    The prophet Habakkuk saw all around him a lost world and he was saddened by it. He cried out to God honestly, asking Him why he was allowing it to happen. Yet through it all, he knew that God was in control and that one day He would intervene. How…

  • Do you want to get well?

    (John 5:1-15) News about this man from Galilee who was changing lives continued to spread. The things He said and did were attracting the attention of everyone. There was something different about Jesus and people saw it even if they didn’t understand it. After Jesus’ life-changing encounter with the woman…

  • God Will Always Show Up

    Do you ever wonder if God takes a day off? If there is ever a time when He decides that He’s seen enough and heard enough? If one day He’s going to ignore it all and decide just not to show up? After all, His people (the Israelites, the Church,…

  • The light of hope

    Feeling hopeless can be like wandering around a really dark room and trying to find a lamp. When you first enter you pause for a moment, hoping that your eyes will adjust to the darkness and you’ll be able to make out a shape somewhere in the room.  When you…