• Jesus Changes Everything!

    John 9 As each day passed, Jesus knew He was getting closer to fulfilling His mission on earth. He knew the cross was coming and the resurrection would follow. He knew that soon He would no longer be walking and talking with His disciples. And He knew they needed to…

  • Every Knee Will Bow

    John 8:12-59 Jesus spoke with power and wisdom. He performed many miracles. He beckoned people to follow Him. Yet many people still did not understand that He was the promised Messiah. “That is why I said that you will die in your sins; for unless you believe that I AM…

  • Trajectory Change

    John 8:1-11  Jesus continued teaching, people continued to listen, and the Pharisees continued in their quest to get rid of Him. On one occasion, while Jesus was teaching in the Temple complex, the Pharisees came to Him with a woman who had been caught in the act of adultery. In…

  • Open the Bible!

    John 7:31-53 The more the Jews started to believe in Jesus, the more desperate the Pharisees became. The Pharisees believed that they alone held the truth, but the “truth” they proclaimed had been warped over the generations. It had become a system of obtaining righteousness through works instead of looking…

  • Just the Vessel

    John 7:1-9 Now that the heat was on and the religious leaders were intent on getting rid of Jesus, He stepped out of the public eye for a little while and avoided Judea. He knew that one day the time would come for Him to be handed over to them…