• When Life Kind Of Stinks

    I’m taking a brief break from my Romans deep dive to share some practical advice from the Word of God on how not to fall apart when life kind of stinks. My husband recently had a health scare that led to more discoveries and we’re going on day five of…

  • God Will Make a Way

    Sometimes the oppression we feel when the enemy is at work is enough to paralyze us in fear. We can barely face our struggles and strongholds because they seem too overwhelming. The reality of our current situation is more than we can handle in our human strength. In those moments,…

  • How’s Your New Year’s Resolution Going?

    They say it takes 21-days to form a habit, and it’s been a little over a month since you made your New Year’s resolution. You’ve probably come up against some challenges that tempted you to give up. Maybe the results you’re looking for haven’t come as quickly as you’d hoped.…

  • 7 Things to Remember When Life Gets Me Down

    Sometimes I feel like I’m just barely getting by. Like I’m falling short in all the important areas of my life.  In finances.  In parenting.  In writing.  In taking care of my home.  “Not enough” is the allegation that keeps playing in my head.  But I know that this is…