• Sin Has Lost its Power! You Are Free!

    Freedom in Christ is an incredible reality! I’m so passionate about it that I wrote a book about it. It breaks my heart to see people who are saved yet still struggling with strongholds that disrupt their joy and impede their progress. It does not have to be that way.…

  • Seven Realities of The Triumph of Our Faith

    Our study of Romans started intense and uncomfortable. Paul boldly proclaimed the wrath of God against all ungodliness and presented an airtight case for mankind’s guilt. This bad news made us eager for some good news, and we were introduced to the gospel of righteousness attained through faith. Now here…

  • When Life Kind Of Stinks

    I’m taking a brief break from my Romans deep dive to share some practical advice from the Word of God on how not to fall apart when life kind of stinks. My husband recently had a health scare that led to more discoveries and we’re going on day five of…

  • An Eternal Trajectory Change

    Have you ever watched someone you love careen down a path that is sure to end in disaster? You want to intervene and change their path, but you feel helpless to do so. It’s as if you are watching a deadly collision about to happen with no way to stop…

  • God won’t give up on you

    If anyone tries to deny how incredible the grace of God is, just point them to the book of Judges.  Over and over you see the Israelites turning away from God.  Over and over you read, “Again the Israelites did evil in the eyes of the Lord.” They just could…