What if I told you that you are a part of something bigger than yourself? Your Creator has a master plan, and He created you to be part of it. You have an eternal purpose! When the Israelites were making their way through the wilderness, God decided they needed a…
When God Says Wait
Waiting is hard! You’ve surrendered to God and made great progress. You’ve left strongholds and struggles behind and you’re ready to do whatever He says. You have your plans and your timeline all figured out. But what happens when God says wait? God had freed the Israelites from captivity and…
Don’t Worry! God’s Got This!
When the Israelites packed up and left Egypt, they thought they had seen the last of the Egyptians, but Pharoah wasn’t giving up that easily. God hardened his heart, and he changed his mind and came after them. When they saw the army closing in, they panicked and started grumbling…