• Don’t be like Felix!

    There are generally three different responses people will have when they hear the gospel message.  The best response, of course, is when they realize their need for a Savior and immediately repent and turn to Jesus for salvation. Another common but tragic response is when they down-right refuse the truth…

  • Success God’s Way

    There is no shortage of self-help books on how to be prosperous and successful.  Clearly it is something people long for.  It’s also something that can lead to endless searching when you’re not even sure what it will look like when you get there.  The search for success is a…

  • Life may not be fair – but I’ve got Jesus!

    Life is not fair. Too often it seems that dishonest, prideful people get all the breaks. They scoff at God, yet he doesn’t immediately strike them down with lightning from heaven. It can be hard sometimes not to envy them when we see their prosperity. I love how the Psalmist…

  • Choose Jesus

    God is timeless. He has always existed. He has no beginning. He has no end. This is a difficult concept to understand in a world where everything we know has a beginning and an end. But it seems clear to me that in order for any living thing to exist,…

  • The Gospel of Jesus Christ – God’s Plan All Along

    The Gospel of Christ Jesus is not an afterthought. God sees the end from the beginning, and he was not surprised when Adam and Eve sinned. He wasn’t suddenly faced with the need for a plan and it didn’t take him generations to come up with one. Christ’s shed blood…