• You are Part of God’s Master Plan

    What if I told you that you are a part of something bigger than yourself? Your Creator has a master plan, and He created you to be part of it. You have an eternal purpose! When the Israelites were making their way through the wilderness, God decided they needed a…

  • Unshakeable Eternal Position – Who You Are In Christ

    Do you ever wonder if you matter? If you have value despite your flaws? If there is an eternal purpose for your life? The Apostle Paul was writing to the Christians in Rome to help them understand the transformation that happened when they were saved by God’s grace. They had…

  • How To Assign Eternal Purpose to Your Life

    “Live your best life now” and “YOLO” are modern-day sentiments that King Solomon would have related to. He spent his life going after whatever he wanted. Houses and vineyards. Servants and concubines. Silver and gold. Wisdom and experience. He did not deny himself anything. Yet when he reached the end…

  • Created for More – A Life All-In

    You were created for more than just going through the motions. Searching and striving to discover the point of life is not the point of life. It’s not just about the dash between your birth and your death. God created you with an eternal purpose. Your talents and passions, your…