What would you do in Stephen’s shoes? He was causing quite a stir by performing miracles and signs among the people. Then he was arrested and brought before the Jewish leaders where he boldly spoke an uncomfortable truth they did not want to hear: “You stubborn people! You are heathen…
Good Friday – That Fateful Day in History
On the surface, the name “Good Friday” seems like a misnomer. To Jesus’ friends and followers, there was nothing good about that Friday. The week had started off well. On Sunday, Jesus had entered Jerusalem with a celebration and He spent the week proclaiming the message of His Kingdom to…
Jesus – God’s Son on God’s Mission
John 5:16-47 When word got out that Jesus was the one who had the nerve to heal the lame man on the Sabbath, the Jews were not happy. The Pharisees had turned the Sabbath into a day when you should not lift a finger, even to do good. So instead…
Do you want to get well?
(John 5:1-15) News about this man from Galilee who was changing lives continued to spread. The things He said and did were attracting the attention of everyone. There was something different about Jesus and people saw it even if they didn’t understand it. After Jesus’ life-changing encounter with the woman…
God won’t give up on you
If anyone tries to deny how incredible the grace of God is, just point them to the book of Judges. Over and over you see the Israelites turning away from God. Over and over you read, “Again the Israelites did evil in the eyes of the Lord.” They just could…