• Just as Bad as Them but Saved by Grace

    “Thank goodness we’re not that bad!” After Paul told the Roman Christians about mankind’s godless trajectory, he must have looked around at his audience and saw them nodding to each other as if to agree that “those people” were doomed for destruction. Many of the Christians in Rome were Jewish…

  • Grace is the Starting Point – How Should We Respond?

    Right off the bat in Romans, Paul tells us grace is the starting point! The Greek word here translated “grace” is charis and it means a gift, blessing, or favor freely offered by Jesus. God’s grace provides all we need to accomplish His purpose and it has been freely and…

  • Worship, wrath and a harvest

    By this time in Revelation, things have gotten pretty bad on earth. The anti-christ has shown his true colors. He has demanded that everyone receive his mark and worship him. Imagine the chaos when any freedom that may have existed up to that point is wiped out. People will finally…