• How Do I Parent My Teenager?!?

    (Originally published on TheWarCry.org) Parenting is a lot scarier when our children are teenagers. Sure, each stage has its scary parts. When they are babies, we watch them sleep to make sure they’re still breathing. When they’re toddlers, we child-proof our home to keep them safe. When they’re old enough…

  • Boldly speak it… Humbly live it

    We know that the Bible tells us to go into all the world and share the Good News of Christ’s atoning death and victorious resurrection and to share with them the Word of God. For some of us that may mean a pulpit with a large audience, but for many…

  • Loving discipline

    I’ve often heard it said that God doesn’t “punish” people. But is that really true? And if it is – does that mean we shouldn’t expect consequences for our poor choices? As a parent – I know that I must step in and correct my children’s behavior when necessary to…