• A mother’s joy

    A mother is her child’s biggest supporter. She is always ready to cheer for their successes, big and small.  She treasures the stick-figure drawings made by their little hands.  She applauds at all their performances.  She lifts them up in prayer through every journey and she smiles at every accomplishment.…

  • Recycled Lessons

    I’ve always seen glaring similarities between the Israelites during their desert wanderings and my own walk with the Lord.  They’re praising and worshipping one day, then grumbling and complaining the next.  One moment they’re walking with God and obeying his commandments and the next they’ve forgotten all about him and…

  • What the next generation needs to know

    As we look at the current election and collectively grieve the two choices we’re faced with, it can almost seem like we have no hope. Those of us that have come of age in the current generation have watched the country deteriorate before our eyes. Unfortunately, I believe the key…

  • God – help me bust my kids!

    My kids know that ever since they were young I’ve prayed that God will help me to catch them if they wander into trouble.  And they’ve seen that prayer answered time and time again when their dad or I miraculously catch them breaking the rules though they were sure they…