• The Uncomfortable Truth

    John 6:41-71 When Jesus spoke of Himself as the Bread of Life, it wasn’t a popular message. He boldly proclaimed that no one could come to God except through Him. He wasn’t worried about hurting people’s feelings or coming across as narrow-minded. He was only concerned with the fate of…

  • Jesus Satisfies the Hungry Soul

    John 6:16-40 After Jesus miraculously fed the multitudes with just a few loaves of bread and a couple of fish, the crowds of people following Him continued to grow. People were anxious to see what He would do next and hoping for His miracles to extend to them. But Jesus…

  • Hang in there!

    I have never run a marathon, but I know people who have and I admire them. The amount of hard work they put into training for the race is incredible.  Yet as prepared as they may be, you can still see the pain and exhaustion on their face as the…