• Hang in there!

    I have never run a marathon, but I know people who have and I admire them. The amount of hard work they put into training for the race is incredible.  Yet as prepared as they may be, you can still see the pain and exhaustion on their face as the…

  • Biblical Worldview

    And you must commit yourselves wholeheartedly to these commands that I am giving you today. Repeat them again and again to your children. Talk about them when you are at home and when you are on the road, when you are going to bed and when you are getting up.…

  • Ready for Battle

    It is becoming more and more apparent that Christians are in a fierce battle against the tide of moral decay.  And although it may feel like we are fighting against other people, the Bible makes it clear that our fight is not against flesh & blood.  We are fighting against…

  • Meditation With Eternal Benefits

    When I think of meditation, I think of praying and reading the Bible and it is something I start every day with. I find great value in replacing the worldly junk that fills my mind with the promises of God. It also reminds me that I’m not in this alone.…

  • Making wise decisions

    Tune your ears to wisdom and concentrate on understanding. – Proverbs 2:2 One of the things I’ve always struggled with is understanding how to know the will of God in a particular situation.  I hear people insist that they just know that a decision they have made is the will of…