• An Urgent Message

    The week between Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem and His crucifixion was a busy one. He had many things to teach His followers, yet so many of them were not comprehending what was about to happen. His message was urgent, and His time was short. Jesus had eternity in mind.…

  • Jesus Satisfies the Hungry Soul

    John 6:16-40 After Jesus miraculously fed the multitudes with just a few loaves of bread and a couple of fish, the crowds of people following Him continued to grow. People were anxious to see what He would do next and hoping for His miracles to extend to them. But Jesus…

  • Jesus – God’s Son on God’s Mission

    John 5:16-47 When word got out that Jesus was the one who had the nerve to heal the lame man on the Sabbath, the Jews were not happy. The Pharisees had turned the Sabbath into a day when you should not lift a finger, even to do good. So instead…