I decided to follow Jesus when I was a little girl, and I was on fire at first. There is a hysterical tape recording (yes, I’m that old) of me rattling off Bible verses and singing camp songs. I am thankful the Word of God was instilled in me when…
Let’s Talk About Saving Faith
We’ve made it through the first few chapters of Romans, and now we know both the bad news and the good news. Sin separates us from God and destines us for wrath, but righteousness is available through faith in Christ for all who believe. Faith is the key, but what…
Did God Really Say? – 10 Things the Devil Doesn’t Want You to Believe
Since the beginning of time, the enemy’s primary method of attack has been to plant seeds of doubt and drive a wedge between us and God. To this day, he continues to whisper the age-old question that led to the original sin in the Garden of Eden: “Did God really…
Believe God! Hope in His Promises!
Sometimes during difficult times, we forget that God has promised to work all things out for our ultimate good and His glory. No matter how difficult things may be, believe God! He is still at work and His promises still stand. God’s covenant with Israel was established long before Moses…
Fully Convinced – Faith Like Abraham
To have faith is to trust in an outcome we can’t see. We have faith in things every day. We have faith that our alarm will wake us up in the morning. That our car will start so we can get to where we need to be. Every time we…