• God’s Gospel: The Power to Save

    Romans 1:1-17 Paul was eager to get to Rome to encourage the Roman believers and be encouraged by them. Even in the face of opposition and persecution, the report of their faith had spread far and wide. So, while he waited for the opportunity to meet them face to face,…

  • Transformed by an Extraordinary Savior

    There’s a story in the book of Acts where Peter and John encounter a lame beggar who spent his days at the Temple gate begging for charity. Day after day people walked by and saw his pitiful condition. Maybe they gave him a few coins. Maybe they didn’t. But either way, his…

  • God Will Make a Way

    Sometimes the oppression we feel when the enemy is at work is enough to paralyze us in fear. We can barely face our struggles and strongholds because they seem too overwhelming. The reality of our current situation is more than we can handle in our human strength. In those moments,…

  • Will We Be Different?

    I keep thinking that I wish life would go back to “normal” but what does “normal” look like? And is that what God wants? After all, He has allowed us to be shaken for a reason. We’ve been given a new perspective and our priorities have been realigned. Where we…