What would you do in Stephen’s shoes? He was causing quite a stir by performing miracles and signs among the people. Then he was arrested and brought before the Jewish leaders where he boldly spoke an uncomfortable truth they did not want to hear: “You stubborn people! You are heathen…
Abundant Life: The Life You Were Created For
Ever since the devil heard about God’s plan to redeem us and have a personal relationship with us, he has done all he could do to stop that from happening. The devil hates the idea that God created us in His image and that He loves us so much He…
Expect Amazing Things
Now that 2020 is in the rearview mirror, I am looking forward to fresh starts and new beginnings. I don’t know about you, but I learned a lot in 2020. Most importantly, I learned to trust God no matter what. And, as always, He’s proven Himself to be faithful. As…