Suit up for battle with the Armor of God
All In - Christian Living - Victory in Christ

Suited Up and Ready to Fight!

Debauchery: excessive indulgence in sensual pleasures, lack of moderation, or due restraint.

Debauchery. It’s paraded in front of us and our children without restraint. It’s on television, in movies and music, and even on our streets and in our schools. What can we do in an age where good is being called evil and evil is being called good? How can stay ready to fight?

First, as hard as it may be, remember that people are not the enemy. Our enemy is God’s enemy – the devil and his forces of darkness. The people caught up in the depravity are simply his pawns and their eternal souls are the prize. We must pray for them and never get caught up in the hatred and vitriol.

Second, remember where your strength comes from. As Christ-followers, we are children of the Almighty God. Regardless of what the circumstances look like around us, we will be victorious because God will be victorious. The rapid descent of the world around us is just an indication that the devil knows his reign is coming to a close.

Finally, suit up and be ready to fight! God has equipped us to stand against all the devil’s schemes and strategies. When we are properly prepared, we are no match for him. When we are suited up and ready to do what is required, we are immovable!

Suit up and be ready with the Armor of God!
The Belt of Truth

When a Roman soldier went into battle, a tightly secured belt would ensure he didn’t trip over his tunic during the fight. In the same way, we must secure our hearts and minds with a sincere commitment to the truth so we will not be tripped up by the enemy’s lies.

The Breastplate of Righteousness

The breastplate would protect the soldier’s vital organs as he fought. As Christ-followers, upright living in obedience to and communion with Jesus will protect our souls. When we live compromising lives, the enemy will find the holes in our armor and we will be vulnerable to his attacks.

The Gospel of Peace on our feet

The Roman soldier’s boots were designed to keep him steady in combat. The Gospel of Peace is our assurance of salvation and our reminder that God is on our side. We can stand firm and steady in battle because if God is for us, who can be against us?

The Shield of Faith

The soldier’s shield was large enough to protect his whole body as he advanced into battle. When we trust completely in God’s goodness and sovereignty, we will be protected from the enemy’s flaming arrows of lies and temptations.

The Helmet of Salvation

Our minds are a major target of the enemy. If he can commandeer our thoughts, we will be an easy target. He will send doubt and discouragement to weaken our resolve and damage our assurance of salvation. We must remember that Jesus obtained our salvation with His death and resurrection, and God sealed it with His Holy Spirit. Our salvation is guaranteed by God and irrevocable.

The Sword of the Spirit

The Roman soldier had only one weapon when he engaged in battle – his sword. In the same way, we have only one weapon in our battle – the Word of God. When Jesus entered hand-to-hand combat with the devil in the wilderness, He wielded this sword against every attack the devil launched. There is nothing in Satan’s arsenal that is more powerful than the Word of God. Train yourself to use it and be ready to unsheathe it at any time.

The battle against evil is not new. Paul wrote this message to the Ephesian Christians nearly 2,000 years ago and it has been a consistent reminder to countless generations of Christ-followers as evil raged around them. Our battle may look different, but we have the same enemy, and he has the same tactics. The devil has tried to destroy God’s people since the beginning of time. He has not succeeded yet, and he never will.

The war will continue until Jesus returns and claims the final victory. In the meantime, stay ready to fight; suited up with the Armor of God and bearing the Sword of His Word.