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  • The Glorious Assurance of the Golden Chain!

    Romans chapter 8 closes with some of the most encouraging words in the Bible. These verses have been referred to by theologians as the Golden Chain. Some chains are a source of captivity, and those are the chains that Jesus came to break. But some chains hold us safely in…

  • From Helpless and Hopeless to Powerful and Free

    Everything Paul has written to the Roman Christians up to this point emphasizes this truth: There is therefore now no condemnation. No guilty verdict. No punishment. Judgment for our sins, past and present, is forever gone in Christ. Apart from Christ, we were helpless and hopeless. In Christ, we are…

  • God’s Law: The Holy Standard & a Worthy Goal

    Before I surrendered to Jesus I was controlled by my flesh and trapped by sin. God’s law was embedded in my conscience, but it was impossible to keep no matter how much I struggled and strived. It both tempted me to sin and condemned me for it. Every box left…

  • Sin Has Lost its Power! You Are Free!

    Freedom in Christ is an incredible reality! I’m so passionate about it that I wrote a book about it. It breaks my heart to see people who are saved yet still struggling with strongholds that disrupt their joy and impede their progress. It does not have to be that way.…