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  • We’ve Been Liberated! But Have We Really?

    The further America gets from Biblical values, the more the foundations that once held us up are crumbling. We’ve been liberated, but liberated from what? Suddenly morality is relative. There is no longer a true north from which or towards which we move. We decide for ourselves what is good…

  • 5 Biblical Responses to Hatred & Ridicule

    It is upsetting when our faith is mocked, misrepresented, or silenced, but it should not be surprising. The world has always been full of people who oppose God and His only means of salvation, Jesus Christ. Hatred and ridicule are often directed at those of us who love Jesus. So,…

  • The Glorious Assurance of the Golden Chain!

    Romans chapter 8 closes with some of the most encouraging words in the Bible. These verses have been referred to by theologians as the Golden Chain. Some chains are a source of captivity, and those are the chains that Jesus came to break. But some chains hold us safely in…

  • From Helpless and Hopeless to Powerful and Free

    Everything Paul has written to the Roman Christians up to this point emphasizes this truth: There is therefore now no condemnation. No guilty verdict. No punishment. Judgment for our sins, past and present, is forever gone in Christ. Apart from Christ, we were helpless and hopeless. In Christ, we are…