Have you ever noticed that when you end up stuck in a stronghold, you’re not even sure how you got there? One day you wake up and realize you’re a prisoner and you know you didn’t start that way! The same is true for the Israelites. Their journey to Egypt did not start with captivity.
The story of Exodus picks up where the story of Joseph left off. The Israelites had made their way to Egypt because of a famine in their land. When they arrived, Joseph’s favor with the Pharoah became theirs. Pharoah gave them the best of the land of Egypt so they multiplied greatly, became extremely powerful, and filled the land. But eventually, things changed.
There’s a song I’ve always loved called “Slow Fade” by Casting Crowns. The chorus says:
It’s a slow fade when you give yourself away. It’s a slow fade when black and white have turned to gray. And thoughts invade, choices made. A price will be paid when you give yourself away. People never crumble in a day.
Most strongholds start with an invading thought and a small choice. The lines get blurred and our will weakens as the enemy chips away at us. Slowly but surely our resolve fades until we suddenly find ourselves crumbling. And it doesn’t happen in a day.
It took a long time for the Israelites to fade into captivity. When a new king came into power, he devised a plan to weaken them and slow their growth. A plan that involved brutal slavery to wear them down. The more they grew, the worse the oppression became, until eventually, they cried out. Their cry rose to God. He heard them. He remembered His covenant promise to their forefathers. And He acted.
He looked down on the people of Israel and knew it was time to act. – Exodus 2:25 NLT
God hears our frustrations, and He sees us! Often, He waits until we get to the end of ourselves and finally acknowledge our need for Him. We may not know how we ended up in captivity, but regardless of how long it took to get there, it takes only one sincere prayer to our Heavenly Father to set the rescue plan in motion.
If you’re stuck, don’t try to dig out on your own. Your enemy is crafty, and He will continue to oppress you with lies and temptations that you can’t overcome in your own strength. Cry out to Your Heavenly Father. Seek Him with Your whole heart. Turn towards Him. Listen for His still small voice and walk towards your freedom one step at a time.
“Then call on Me when you are in trouble, and I will rescue you, and you will give Me glory.” – Psalm 50:15 NLT
NOTE: The first step to a life of freedom is to acknowledge your need for a Savior. God loves you so much that He devised the ultimate rescue plan. He sent Jesus to pay the price for your sins so you could spend eternity with Him. There is nothing you can do on your own to be righteous in God’s sight. If you have not given your life to Jesus, do it today! No one loves you more than He does. After all, He died for you!