• The Journey of a God-Sized Dream

    I’ve dreamed of being a published author for as long as I can remember. As a teenager, I wrote angsty poems about love and loss. As a young adult, I wrote a sappy love story inspired by Danielle Steel. When I became a mom and started to study the bible,…

  • Let the Redeemed of the Lord Say So

    The world is filled with people facing struggles of all kinds. Financial burdens. Health problems. Marital troubles. Wayward children. Stress. Anxiety. Fear. You can likely relate to at least one of these issues. But as a redeemed child of God, you have also seen His goodness in your life. Do…

  • Rejoice in Suffering … Really?!?

    The triumph of our faith is present and eternal, but sometimes our current reality is a nightmare. Yet even in the worst of times, we can rejoice in suffering because our justification in Christ guarantees a glorious eternal outcome. Nothing that happens on earth can change that! Not only that,…

  • Good Friday – That Fateful Day in History

    On the surface, the name “Good Friday” seems like a misnomer. To Jesus’ friends and followers, there was nothing good about that Friday. The week had started off well. On Sunday, Jesus had entered Jerusalem with a celebration and He spent the week proclaiming the message of His Kingdom to…

  • We grieve with hope!

    We lost my grandpa last week. He was ninety-four and had a blessed life. He spent over seventy of those years with my grandma, and their marriage and the life they built is an inspiration to me. My grandpa’s homegoing isn’t tragic. He knew Jesus and he is finally in…