• Christmas: The Day The Light Broke Through!

    One of my favorite things about this time of year is the lights. Watching them dance and flicker against the canvas of night brings a smile to my face. They are a fitting representation of why we celebrate Christmas in the first place. When Jesus was born, the Light broke…

  • Righteous, Justified & Redeemed

    “Do you want the good news or the bad news first?” If someone asked you that, how would you answer? I would probably ask for the bad news first hoping the good news would soften the blow. That’s how Paul presented his message to the Christians in Rome. After making…

  • Thanksgiving: A Way of Life

    Thanksgiving was not a new idea that originated with the Pilgrims. God’s people throughout history regularly gave thanks and acknowledged His gracious provisions. They praised Him even during times of famine, war, exile, and persecution because they had seen His faithfulness and they knew He would come through. “Give thanks…