• One Final Answer

    Throughout all of time a shadow existed. The lure of sin could not be resisted. Separated from God by a chasm so wide, with no way to cross to the other side. In rebellion and sin we were dreadfully lost. On our own we could never cover the cost. Then…

  • Expect Amazing Things

    Now that 2020 is in the rearview mirror, I am looking forward to fresh starts and new beginnings. I don’t know about you, but I learned a lot in 2020. Most importantly, I learned to trust God no matter what. And, as always, He’s proven Himself to be faithful. As…

  • Advent – Hope is on the Horizon

    On a day when hope seemed lost, Jesus Christ the Messiah was born!   The light shines in the darkness and the darkness can never extinguish it. – John 1:5 NLT I love Christmas lights! I love to drive through my neighborhood at night and see the festive glow of…

  • Do You Still Trust Me?

    Though he falls he will not be overwhelmed because the Lord holds his hand. – Psalm 37:24 CSB Not in my lifetime have things seemed so uncertain. What does the future of the country look like? Will we or someone we love get sick? If we do, will we survive?…

  • Does God really work all things out for our good?

    God causes all things to work for our good! (Romans 8:28) How many times have you heard that verse proclaimed? It is a wonderful promise, but do we really understand what it means? Let’s take a look at the whole context of the verse. And we know that God causes…