On the surface, the name “Good Friday” seems like a misnomer. To Jesus’ friends and followers, there was nothing good about that Friday. The week had started off well. On Sunday, Jesus had entered Jerusalem with a celebration and He spent the week proclaiming the message of His Kingdom to…
There Was No Other Way
As Jesus’ final hours were drawing near, He went with a few of His closest disciples to the Garden of Gethsemane to pray. He knew His hour was approaching. He had come to earth for this very purpose. Yet in His humanness, He was agonizing. He cried out to His…
Believe God! Hope in His Promises!
Sometimes during difficult times, we forget that God has promised to work all things out for our ultimate good and His glory. No matter how difficult things may be, believe God! He is still at work and His promises still stand. God’s covenant with Israel was established long before Moses…
We grieve with hope!
We lost my grandpa last week. He was ninety-four and had a blessed life. He spent over seventy of those years with my grandma, and their marriage and the life they built is an inspiration to me. My grandpa’s homegoing isn’t tragic. He knew Jesus and he is finally in…
The Law Revealed Sin. Jesus Revealed Grace.
Have you ever wondered if you would’ve handled the first human temptation differently than Adam and Eve? They were in perfect fellowship with their Creator. He had given them everything wonderful their minds could conceive when along comes the crafty serpent with his tasty temptation. Suddenly, Eve’s focus shifted from…