I’ve dreamed of being a published author for as long as I can remember. As a teenager, I wrote angsty poems about love and loss. As a young adult, I wrote a sappy love story inspired by Danielle Steel. When I became a mom and started to study the bible,…
Chosen: The Doctrine of Election
Romans 8 closed with the glorious assurance of the Golden Chain. God has chosen us, called us, and justified us in Christ. Because of that, nothing can ever separate us from His love and His good plan for us. The Bible also tells us that God has chosen the nation…
The Glorious Assurance of the Golden Chain!
Romans chapter 8 closes with some of the most encouraging words in the Bible. These verses have been referred to by theologians as the Golden Chain. Some chains are a source of captivity, and those are the chains that Jesus came to break. But some chains hold us safely in…
Seven Realities of The Triumph of Our Faith
Our study of Romans started intense and uncomfortable. Paul boldly proclaimed the wrath of God against all ungodliness and presented an airtight case for mankind’s guilt. This bad news made us eager for some good news, and we were introduced to the gospel of righteousness attained through faith. Now here…
What Happens When We Blow It?
The Gentiles in Rome had put their faith in Jesus. They had walked away from their godless lives and were trying to live lives that glorified God. However, the Jewish religious leaders insisted they follow a detailed set of rules to be considered righteous. You must be circumcised. You must…