The week between Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem and His crucifixion was a busy one. He had many things to teach His followers, yet so many of them were not comprehending what was about to happen. His message was urgent, and His time was short. Jesus had eternity in mind.…
Palm Sunday: The King’s Arrival
Jesus had been to Jerusalem before, but this time was different. It was time to publicly reveal His identity as the long-awaited King. He prepared for His triumphant entry by sending His disciples to get a young donkey just as the prophet had proclaimed about the King’s arrival hundreds of…
Remain Tethered to the Truth!
I recently heard of some troubling statements made by a popular pastor. Admittedly, I have not listened to the full messages, but I can’t imagine any context in which these statements would be true. This pastor spoke of unhitching from the Old Testament and untethering from the inspiration, infallibility, and…
Grace is the Starting Point – How Should We Respond?
Right off the bat in Romans, Paul tells us grace is the starting point! The Greek word here translated “grace” is charis and it means a gift, blessing, or favor freely offered by Jesus. God’s grace provides all we need to accomplish His purpose and it has been freely and…
First Things First – What it’s all about.
For a reporter, the lede is a critical part of your story. It is in those first few sentences that you give your readers the most important information. You state the facts upfront and they decide if they want to keep reading. The beginning of Romans reads like the beginning…