• The Uncomfortable Reality of the Wrath of God

    Paul wants to get the hard stuff out of the way right up front, so he begins with the never-popular subject of the wrath of God. People don’t like to talk about God’s wrath. It’s scary and uncomfortable. So instead, we just talk about God’s love. Don’t get me wrong.…

  • God’s Gospel: The Power to Save

    Romans 1:1-17 Paul was eager to get to Rome to encourage the Roman believers and be encouraged by them. Even in the face of opposition and persecution, the report of their faith had spread far and wide. So, while he waited for the opportunity to meet them face to face,…

  • Romans: The Foundations of our Faith

    “God has richly blessed those who have devoted themselves to the study of this book.” R.C. Sproul The book of Romans was written in approximately 57 A.D. by the Apostle Paul to the Christians in Rome. It includes doctrine and duty, theology and practice, and understanding and application. It tells…

  • A Revival and a Renegade

    Word about Jesus’ resurrection and the good news of salvation was spreading fast in Jerusalem, but not everyone was happy about it. And as the persecution intensified, the disciples scattered. About thirty miles north, in the city of Samaria, people were eager to hear the good news and to see…

  • God’s Primary Concern

    Things were getting crazy for the disciples now. They were imprisoned, threatened, and even killed because of the gospel they proclaimed. Before they had been transformed by the grace of God and the gospel of Jesus, they were just regular people living regular lives. Now things had gotten uncomfortable for…