Sometimes the oppression we feel when the enemy is at work is enough to paralyze us in fear. We can barely face our struggles and strongholds because they seem too overwhelming. The reality of our current situation is more than we can handle in our human strength. In those moments,…
Don’t Worry! God’s Got This!
When the Israelites packed up and left Egypt, they thought they had seen the last of the Egyptians, but Pharoah wasn’t giving up that easily. God hardened his heart, and he changed his mind and came after them. When they saw the army closing in, they panicked and started grumbling…
God is Working in the Waiting
Deliverance from strongholds and struggles doesn’t always happen overnight, but God is working in the waiting. As the Israelites remained under oppression, they must have wondered what God was up to. They had heard His promise of freedom, but what was taking so long? They watched Him send plague after…
Believe God! Hope in His Promises!
Sometimes during difficult times, we forget that God has promised to work all things out for our ultimate good and His glory. No matter how difficult things may be, believe God! He is still at work and His promises still stand. God’s covenant with Israel was established long before Moses…