The joy of Jesus.
Christian Living - christmas - Holidays

Joyful: Even in the in-between!

What an incredible announcement! Can you imagine being a shepherd that day? They were not used to being the ones who received such spectacular news. They were considered the lowliest in society. The last to receive news of any kind. But this day they received the most joyful news in all of history: The long-promised Savior had arrived!

When the angel announced the birth of the Savior that day, it was good news of great joy! And a little over 30 years later, another angelic announcement came promising future joy:

The joyful announcement of the Messiah’s birth has come and gone. His saving sacrifice is completed along with His victorious resurrection. He has returned to heaven with the glorious promise of His joyful return. But what about the in-between? Can the joy the angels announced be part of our reality even today?

Yes! Jesus promised that His joy can be our joy and that our joy can be complete.

What “things” did Jesus say would make our joy full?

Abide in Him.

The word “abide” means to remain or stay around. To continue to be in Christ’s presence. The moment of our salvation was the starting point of an eternal relationship with our Savior. Nothing in our life should be detached from Him.

Have His Words abiding in you.

For God’s Word to abide in us, we must regularly and consistently read it! It is only by reading God’s Word that we can understand His character and grasp His plans and purposes.

Keep His commandments.

Once we know how God wants us to live (as indicated in His word), we must act upon that knowledge and live a life that glorifies Him. A life of obedience.

Bear fruit.

It is the fruit, the outgrowth of our new life in Christ, that demonstrates a change of heart. The fruit of the Spirit lived out in our life will prove our faith and impact the world.

There is so much joy in the completed work of redemption, reconciliation, salvation, and victory that Jesus’ birth, death, and resurrection brought. And there is so much joy in the anticipation of His return. But we must not miss the fact that even while we live in the in-between, we can have joy!

Remember: happiness is momentary, fleeting, and dependent on circumstances. There is nothing wrong with happiness. It just isn’t sustainable. Joy is deep, rooted in eternal reality, and not impacted by temporary circumstances. And considering eternity, everything we experience on earth is temporary.

If you are a Christ-follower and you do not have joy despite your circumstances, check your abiding.